Course Brief

Up to 9 Years Old

The Toddlers Trot is run around a part of the final race course and they finish in the proper finish line.The start time may vary to fit in with the returning runners in the morning races but is usually around 13.00. We do not mind who runs or what age you are, you can carry your baby should you wish. We normally have almost 250 entries for this event.

Briff y Cwrs

hyd at 9 mlwydd oed

Mae'r Tlws y Plant Bach yn cael ei redeg o amgylch rhan o'r cwrs ras olaf ac maent yn gorffen yn y llinell derfyn briodol. Gall yr amser cychwyn amrywio i gyd-fynd â'r rhedwyr sy'n dychwelyd yn y rasys bore ond fel arfer mae tua 13.00. Nid oes ots gennym pwy sy'n rhedeg na pha oedran ydych chi, gallwch gario'ch babi os dymunwch. Fel arfer, mae gennym bron i 250 o geisiadau ar gyfer y digwyddiad hwn.

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Race Date

Sat 17th August, 2024

Race Edition

39th Annual Race

Race Location

Tywyn, Mid Wales

Ride Alongside the Race on the Talyllyn Railway!

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